Continue to look with me at this powerful passage from Habakkuk 2. Verse 2 reads,
“Then the LORD replied: Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.”
Let's focus on two applications of this verse;
The Foundation of Writing
The Purpose of Writing
It stretches metaphor to say the foundation of our writing is from above. But I think you get the point here. When you are in fellowship with God you will see the same things you saw before, but you will see them from the rock of God's perspective. You may write about a dysfunctional home, but you will see it through the weeping eyes of God who loves them. And behind your words will be the knowledge of how it should be. You may write about a good elderly woman but you will not be blind to flaws in even the best person's character.
And notice that God tells us to write to affect the lives of people. We are to make what we write plain. You are writing for people to understand, not to impress them. I have read books that the authors admitted were written to help them work through a trauma. But those books were only good, or readable for that matter, if truth could be applied to the reader. The purpose of our writing is to make truth known to as many people as possible.
God' truth is the foundation of our writing. And people are the target of our words.