Friday, July 9, 2021



A group of students had gathered around Polycarp to ask questions of the elder pastor. Polycarp enjoyed teaching this eager group of Christ’s followers. 

While they were asking questions he said, “Before long, I want each of you to teach before small groups and then before the entire church.” Several of them ducked their heads at this. One named Irenaeus said, “I don't think I can do that.” Several others said they would be terrified to stand and speak to a large group. And the church in Smyrna had grown to a large group indeed when all were gathered together.

Polycarp said, “Let me tell you how Jesus did it. He did not speak on His own but by His Father’s authority. When He spoke, the Father who dwelled in Him did His work.”

Justin, another young man in the group said, “But how could we ever have God’s power and authority as Jesus did?”

Polycarp answered, “I once said almost the same thing to John. He told me the most astounding thing I have ever heard. He recorded this in his Gospel account. Jesus told His disciples, ‘Whoever believes in me will do the works that I do. He will do even greater things than these because I go to my Father.’”

Irenaeus asked, “How could that be possible?”

Polycarp said, “If you have placed your faith in Jesus He has implanted the Spirit in you. He will remind you of everything He has spoken to you, and He will teach you what to say.”

Another of them named Florinus said, “But we have never heard Jesus speak. We know you were taught by John, one of his closest disciples, but even you have never heard the voice of Jesus.”

“That is not true. By the Holy Spirit He speaks to us every day.”

Irenaeus asked, “How do you hear Him?”

Polycarp answered, “He can speak to us in many ways. We start with the Scriptures and with prayer. Several members of the church have all the letters of Paul and Peter and John. We have the Gospels. And I have the Jewish Scriptures in my library. I will make them available to you. I want you to read through them. Trusting God to lead you, choose a passage. Read it over and over, praying constantly until you can quote it. 

“Do we pray for God to help us memorize it?” Florinus asked.

“Yes,” Polycarp said. “And more than that, pray for God to plant it in your heart. It is important to understand that the power comes from God working in your life. You don't just speak clever words, you must become what you are preaching. We depend upon God working in us like branches depend on a vine. Jesus said, ‘If you remain in me and my words live in you, ask whatever you wish and I will do it. It will bring my Father glory for you to bear much fruit as my disciples.’” The young people were stirred by this teaching, even if they did not fully understand.

The pastor continued, “When you can quote a passage, run it over and over in your mind as you go through the day. God will speak to you through the passage. After you begin to understand what He is saying to you, take a long walk. It will be convenient to do this on your way to the market or on some errand especially if you are going some distance. Begin saying everything that comes to your mind that explains or expresses the truth of the Scripture. You will find that you can carry this on for some length. Then when you summarize what you have to say, it will be direct and to the point.

Ireneaus said, “That may give us something to say, but it will not calm our fears. I still don’t think I could preach to the whole church.”

“That is partly true, son. The prophet Jeremiah said God’s word became like fire in his bones. As that happens you will have to share it even though you are terrified.” For the next few days the young people spent long hours with Polycarp’s books. 

One afternoon, Ireneaus asked, “Do you use the same method when trying to talk to people in the market? They may be harder than the church. Many will not be sympathetic.”

Nothing will prepare you to talk to people in the market like saturating yourself in the words of our Lord. He promised that the Spirit would remind you of what he has told you. I find that often happens when I am surprised by an opportunity to speak to someone or even a group. I could not have planned what to say, but from before the foundation of the world the Holy Spirit has planned what he wants people to hear. 

Irenaeus said, “Well, I think He has been giving me something to say to unbelievers. And like you said, it is burning in my heart. I have to tell someone even though I am terrified.”

This story arose from the words of Jesus in John 14.

Father, saturate our lives in your word and speak to us by your Spirit.




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1 comment:

  1. What an encouraging post, Dave! Thank you for it. I've shared it today on my Facebook blog page.
